Lori Blong
Wife, Mother, and Small Business Owner
Ready to Move Midland Forward

A native Midlander, Lori Blong knows what it takes to deliver results and move Midland forward. A wife, mother and local small business owner, Lori’s passion for Midland shines through on the city council where she worked to lead Midland through the COVID pandemic while improving essential city services.
Now, with the support and encouragement of former mayors and hundreds of local individuals, Lori is ready to lead as our next Mayor, using our God-given resources to create a high quality of life built on the foundation of strong fiscal responsibility, workforce development, public safety, and customer service at City Hall. Lori’s goal is simple –ensure that every Midland family can grow and prosper.
In addition to her service on the Midland City Council, Lori is council liaison for Midland EDC, past President of Habitat for Humanity, a member of Congressman Pfluger’s Energy Task Force, and a Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA) Board Member.
A former schoolteacher, Lori and her husband, Jared, now own and operate Octane Energy. They have three children and are members of Stonegate Fellowship Church.
Record of Leadership and Community Service

Current Midland City Council Member

Habitat for Humanity, Past President

Council Liaison for Midland Development Corporation (MDC)

Stonegate Fellowship Church Member and Bible Teacher

Pfluger's Energy Task Force Member

Former Teacher

Permian Basin Petroleum Association Board Member

Independent Oil & Gas Executive
Endorsed by
Current and Former Midland Mayors

Patrick Payton

Carroll Thomas

Ernest Angelo, Jr.

Wes Perry
300+ Midland Families and Growing
Ryan Anwar
Vicky & Javaid Anwar
Brian Arnold
Shelley & David Arrington
Susan & Craig Atchison
Erin & Joe Aylor
Stacy Baccus
Mike Banschbach
Rachel & Jeff Beard
Kelly & Ken Beattie
Albert Beller
Tracee Bentley
Toya & Jeremy Bishop
Tisha & Jeff Blaylock
Mary Ann & Steve Blaylock
Phoebe & Jay Blaylock
Laurie & Miles Boldrick
Austin Booker
Shawnna & Dr. Beau Boren
Lisa & Wesley Bownds
Valerie & Eric Boyt
Amy Brasher Barnett
Martha Bradley
Pond Bria
Rita & Dale Brown
Allison & Craig Brown
Cary & Jill Brown
Rebecca James, MD
Matthew Brown, MD
Kay & Bill Burchard
Denise Burns
Blair & Dillon Carpenter
Anne & Blake Cauthen
Molly & Reb Clark
Heather & Reed Claybrook
Michelle & Andy Cobb
Sherry & Keith Corbett
Ricky Cox
Jennifer & Mike Crawford
Kim Cremer
Elizabeth & Bob Davenport
Kelli & Brian Davis
Michael Dawson
Shelby & Zack Deck
Ken Dickeson
Beverly & Jim Dillow
Kari & Mark Dingler
Kristin Ditto
Kim & Kevin Doan
Susannah & Briggs Donaldson
Nancy & Skeet Doss
Mindy & Brent Drummond
Ashlee & Lee Dunn
Brianna & John Mark Echols
Julie Edwards
Tim Dunn
Becky Elliott
Billie Elliott
Elaine & John Elliott
Amanda & Brad Ellis
Penny & Don Evans
Malyssa & Stephen Ewing
Becky & Doug Ferguson
Meredith & Howard Flowers
Christine Foreman
DiAnn & David Fowler
Ken Frosch
Sarah & Andre Furtado
Annabelle & Chase Gardaphe
Connie & Kent Gaultney
Hayley & Roy Geer
Chase Gilbert
Casey & Chris Ginsbach
Lauretta Glass
Gaye & Gary Glasscock
Arica Gonzales
Christin & Daniel Gray
Donna & Gary Gray
Caetlyn & Josh Groner
Shay Gutierrez
Heather & Alex Hale
Matt Hamilton
Shelley & Jack Harper
Jessica & Scott Harper
Alaina & Daniel Harris
Kimberly & Glenn Harwood
Christina & William Head
Janice & Bobby Henry
Sarah & Jason Hernandez
Saul Herrera
Jayna & David Hobby
David Holland
Amanda Holly
Mary Jane & Bill Holmes
Becky & John Holmes
Matt Hood
Lauren & Joey Hopkins
Jenni & Dan Hord
Sharla & Bart Hotchkiss
Suzanne & Brent Huckabay
Summer & Jimmy Hudson
Retha & Jim Hunnicutt
Jean & Leslie Hunt
Erin & Aaron Hunter
Lynda & John James
Kristina & Matt Johnson
Laquita & Dennis Johnson
Arcy & Oscar Juarez
Linda Kahler
Lela Kaufman
Winston Kelly
Julie & Bill Kent
Lisa & Scott Kidwell
Karen Kuehler
Sally & Dave Kvasnika
Kelly & Jarrett Lange
Cindy & John Lehman
Amy Lewis
Chancey Linderman
Amanda & Greg Mabee
Gayla & John Mabee
Elaine Magruder
Jamie Massey
Jeannie & Taylor Mayne
Briget & Scott McAninch
Jamie & Delaney McCaghren
James McDonald
Carrie & Jacob McKean
Mark McLane
Liz & Michael McWilliams
Alan Means
Caitlin & Jerry Merrill
Kay Merritt
Roderick Miller
Greg Mills
Veronica Montoya
Lisa & Shan Moon
Elizabeth Moore
Valerie Morales
Connie Morrow
Laura Kate & Jeremy Mueller
D’Ann & John Norwood
Chris Oldham
Sandra & Larry Oldham
April Paris
Ryan Parrish
Billy Aaland-Parrish
Minda & Don Parks
Mrunal & Padmaja Patel
Padmaja Patel, MD
Lonetta & Jeff Patterson
Lou Pearson
Lindsey & Chas Perry
Jennifer & Daniel Pender
Teri & Dan Pender
Cecilie & Karl Pfluger
Steve Pierce
Bria Pond
Lindsey & Brian Pond
Judy & Dale Pond
Carolyn Price
Debbie & Steve Pruett
Tania Pruneda
J. & Mitzi Purvis
Margaret Purvis
Paige & Jack Purvis
Jenni & Josh Rabe
Claire & Martin Ramirez
Ellen & Scott Ramsey
Pam & Hal Rasmussen
Crystal & Seth Rau
Nicole & Michael Rhoads
RoseAnna & Jamie Richardson
Marsha & Mel Riggs
Debbie & Don Riley
Ken Rowland
Jessi Russo
Lesley & Chris Ryden
Lourcey Sams
Mara & Dusty Shelhammer
Emmy & Brandon Sheppard
Kelli & Albert Sherman
Emily & Stuart Smith
J. D. Smith
Shelley & Chip Smith
Karen & Todd Sparks
Gwyn & Don Sparks
Val & Jeff Sparks
Cori & Josh Sparks
Jarrod Sparks
Caroline & Sean Spears
Angela & Greg Spencer
Bonnie & Fred Squire
Carol Staggs
Carrie & KC Stallings
Jamie & Kyle Stallings
Randi & Tyler Stallings
Julie & Randy Stevens
Brenda & Travis Stice
Sarah & Shannon Stilwell
Trevor Stoltz
Ashley & JB Stone
Brittany & Jordan Strebeck
Roxanne & Ben Strickling
Heather & Jason Striefe
Paul Strouhal
Jenny & Brian Stubbs
Julia & Jack Swallow
Gwen & Tommy Taylor
James Thompson
Gina & Angel Valles
Laura & Andrew Van der Hoeven
Trayce & Mike Vaughan
Emily & David Waldrop
Kalen Walls
Risa & Clint Walker
Carole Warren
Joyce & Richard Watts
Lindsey & Caleb Weatherl
Amy & Wes Webb
Betsy & Jonathan Wells
Lori & Dale Wesley
Bonnie & Tyler West
Kathy & Denzil West
Denise & Travis White
Derek Whiting
Modesta Williams
Kate & Clint Williamson
Amy & David Wilson
Celia & Word Wilson
Kristin & Chris Wilson
Rebecca Wisdom
Amber & John Wolf
Leslie Worley
Jeanie & Jimmy Young
Frances & Charlie Younger
Jessica & Will Zumstein